Depo-Provera is an injectable form of birth control. Bleeding and changes to menstrual flow are common during the first year of use. However, bleeding after using Depo-Provera typically resolves independently.

Irregular bleeding is a common side effect of Depo-Provera. Around 57% of people experience irregular bleeding or spotting 12 months after starting this medication, while 32% of individuals experience this reaction at 24 months.

Bleeding irregularities may include spotting between periods, breakthrough bleeding, or prolonged periods.

This symptom usually improves the longer people use the medication. Clinical trials show that 55% of those using Depo-Provera no longer have any bleeding after 12 months.

The following remedies may help relieve irregular bleeding on Depo-Provera.

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Ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce the inflammation and pain that may come with abnormal uterine bleeding.

A 2018 article examined the use of Depo-Provera and long-acting reversible contraception in teenagers. It found that taking NSAIDs for 5 to 7 days may help treat the following types of bleeding associated with this medication:

However, everyone responds to medications differently. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor about the most suitable NSAID type and dosage before taking them to manage bleeding relating to Depo-Provera.

One of the easiest ways to cope with Depo-Provera-related bleeding is to recognize that it is a common reaction.

However, very painful or heavy bleeding is not typical, and people need to consult a doctor for evaluation in these cases.

Atypical bleeding can be irritating and alarming. However, a person needs to consider that some irregular bleeding or spotting during the early months of Depo-Provera therapy may mean that the body is adjusting to the medication.

Knowing and accepting that some light irregular bleeding may occur may help people manage this frustrating side effect.

Irregular bleeding can stain clothing. An unexpected heavy period is an experience that most people find unpleasant.

Anticipating an irregular flow when starting Depo-Provera therapy may help individuals plan to wear pads, protective underwear, or tampons during the adjustment months.

This may help save money and frustration. Some people may find it beneficial to carry around an extra pad or tampon, or even a pair of underwear, for the first year or so after starting Depo-Provera therapy.

If irregular bleeding becomes too much to manage or threatens someone’s health by putting them at risk of anemia, healthcare professionals may suggest stopping Depo-Provera therapy.

After injecting the medication, it takes at least 3 months for its effects to wear off. However, as soon as this time passes, Depo-Provera quickly becomes ineffective.

Therefore, if side effects are severe, it may be best to stop the therapy and wait for the medication to leave the system.

People need to speak with a healthcare professional if they think they need to stop Depo-Provera therapy. A doctor can explain the potential consequences of stopping, such as becoming pregnant, how to stop safely, and other contraceptive options.

If menstrual irregularities are the only reason for stopping the therapy, a doctor may also be able to suggest additional ways to manage this side effect.

If appropriate, a doctor may recommend estrogen therapy for people with irregular bleeding during Depo-Provera therapy.

Some older research suggests that estrogen therapy may reduce irregular bleeding. However, results are mixed, and some studies suggest this technique has no consistent effect on irregular bleeding.

Additionally, estrogen therapy may not be suitable for everyone. People always need to talk with a doctor about the potential side effects of Depo-Provera and estrogen therapy before deciding how to treat irregular bleeding.

Although bleeding is a common side effect of Depo-Provera, people need to contact their doctor if they experience unusually heavy bleeding or bothersome side effects. Other signs of atypical bleeding that may require medical assistance include:

People also need to seek medical care if there is persistent pain, pus, or bleeding from the Depo-Provera injection site.

Atypical bleeding during Depo-Provera therapy is not always a side effect of medication usage. Uterine bleeding relating to this therapy can hide other underlying conditions.

A doctor will need to rule out other potential causes of uterine or vaginal bleeding before determining the best course of treatment.

Atypical uterine bleeding is the most common side effect of Depo-Provera therapy, especially in the early months of use. However, these symptoms may resolve over time.

Healthcare professionals may suggest certain treatments, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or estrogen therapy, for people with atypical bleeding. It may also help to prepare for this side effect by planning ahead with menstrual products.

People need to contact their doctor if they experience heavy vaginal bleeding or other adverse side effects of Depo-Provera therapy.